Attention Span

Attention Span .MP3 Download

It goes in one ear
And, out the other
Never coming near
The attention span
Never coming in

It’s a good thing
We don’t depend
On our bridging
The gap
If the synapse
Is an indicator…
Or, we’d all be

If we let time lapse
Everything we fear
Will be upon us
So, lets gain focus
Less it be our end
Let’s hear it clear
It can’t go in one ear
And, out the other
Forever missing —
The attention span

No, no, no
Let’s be led
To human, upon human,
Forming The Attention Span

We can
Span any divide
No matter how wide —
The attention span

Bridge any distance
No matter how far
Overcome resistance
To being bizarre
The attention span

After all,
What’s so bizarre
To listening?
Needn’t fall
Maim or mare
Global positioning
The attention span
Of human

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