Cogs And Sprockets

by The Beatless Sense Mongers (MP3 Audio and MP4 Video Downloads)

The system sucks…
Funk that shit…

The world’s gone mad…
The crazy race place…
Devoid of civility…
All turned paranoid…
The Earth’s hemroids…
…Now their reality…
… reality…
… reality…
… reality…

cogs and sprockets…
taking their turn…
at the evil churn…
mods with dockets…
trying to burn…
the love we yearn…
cogs and sprockets…
put you in their brackets…
cogs and sprockets…
gonna ratchet… ratchet… ratchet!

…we’re throwing a fit…
…phuck this shit…

The Beats / DubStep Rhythm

DubStep ReMix On-line Studio

DubStep ReMix On-line Studio Used in Writing Cogs And Sprockets

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