Did that tree just try to kill me?
Geeze.. giving them disease… creatin a deadly breeze.
Using limb to clobber him from limb to limb
Crushing homes and transportation
Because of our past deviation violation
The fall of the trees
Due to the human disease
The revenge of the woods
Due to too many would-of’s, could-of’s and shoulds
Due to too many wood-of shoulds
D / E / C / D
D / E / F / G
Written and recorded on October 31, 2012 in West Chester, PA during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Many scientists believe humans have caused severe volatility to the weather systems. Quite a few scientist also believe humans are causing deforestation. Now, are we getting what we deserve?
Daniel — Keyboards, Vocals, Producer
From the album Blessed Bliss
By Daniel Brouse