Now, here is where I am
Here is where we are
It may appear we haven’t moved far
But, we’ve been there and back again
Now, here is where we are
I’m hoping that along the way
We learned a lesson or two
Some sort-of cumulative knowledge
That will help us gain… an edge
So, we’ll be further ahead
So, we gain an edge
Not be perched on the ledge
Here is where I am
Here is where we are
Though it may appear that we haven’t moved that far
’cause we’ve been there and back again
Chords — F Bb walk down to F Bb C F
Written and recorded on December 23, 2012 in West Chester, Pennsylvania as an impromptu, extemporaneous, on-the-fly, 1-track stereo recording.
Daniel — Vocals, Keyboards
From the album Mayan on the Darkside of Uranus
By Daniel Brouse