Amazed at these days
In so many ways
These are the days that amaze
The day amazes
Amaze the days
In a daze?
These days amaze
As my fellows wallow in the shadows
Wandering… waiting… wasting… days
These are the days that amaze
I see
It amazes me
The notion “to be”
Only so many ways
To while away your days
’till ashes are ashes and dust is dust
Why “must”
Is that how you see your destiny
Is that how you IS turns to WAS
Style: ExperiMental Music
Chords: Em / C D Em
Rhythm: 120 BPM 8 Beat Rock
Recording: digital 1-track stereo / recorded live
Vocals, Keyboards and Synthesizers (microKorg, Korg N364, Yamaha PSR-740, Kurzweil PC88mx, miniNova, DigiTech RP3)
From the album You Are On
by Daniel Brouse