This is a song about feedback loops. Do you know what they are? They will likely kill you, your children and your grandchildren.
Da, doi! To ourselves duped
By our own feedback loop
Feedback looped
This ain’t no scoop (It’s old knews)
I ain’t screaming “extra, extra, extra…
Read all about it”
Da, da, da
I’m meanin’
I ain’t screamin’
Da, da, da
Forget about it
Hear and him
Fell victim
To the feedback loop
And, it’s going down
In your town
I mean literally
And, well…
As well
As… figuratively
[When you eat in, you poop
Feedback loop]
Style: ExperiMental Music
Chords: Em variations (Em7 Em9 Em sus4, etc.)
Rhythm: 120 BPM / Boss Rock #1 and Casio Heavy Metal
Recording: digital 1-track stereo
Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards and Synthesizers
More about “The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment”
From the album Eschatology
by Daniel Brouse