Pondering what this world is about
Will it turn my insides out
Does She know who I really am
Does She know what comes from within
Is your life a fairy tale
Does it end in pass of fail?
Can you forget all you regret
Can you forgive the way you live
Is your impression major depression
Or do you turn sick to manic
How about a lifelong jam session
Deep and thick long-live music
Let’s take what we’ve got and make it a lot
Carefree and happily enjoying the “Be”
Let no regret vet all worries forgot
Clear path and blue sky is all we see
Style: Folk Rock
Chords: A D A E A / E A
Recording: live 1-track digital stereo
Vocals, Guitar
Written at the corner of Gay and Church Streets in Chester County, West Chester, PA.
From the album Gay Church