Bizarre (As in Weird)


Definitely geared…
… for weird

[Verse 1]
Like a lady with a beard
Some sort-of sideshow…
Hmmm… I don’t know

Bizarre as in weird
The hurdle cleared
In the range
Of more than strange

In the proximity
Of Proxima Centauri
About 4.4 light-years away
Primate change foray

[Instrumental, Steel Drum, Xylophone]

[Verse 2]
Is it worse than feared
A freak-show circus
Clowns amongst us

Bizarre as in weird
The hurdle cleared
In the range
Of more than strange

In the proximity
Of Proxima Centauri
About 4.4 light-years away
Primate change foray

[Instrumental, Vibraphone, Bass Drum]

Definitely geared…
… for weird

Bizarre as in weird
The hurdle cleared
In the range
Of more than strange

In the proximity
Of Proxima Centauri
About 4.4 light-years away
Primate change foray

Definitely geared…
… for weird


From the album A Bizarre Situation by A Bizarre Bazaar

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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