Bizarre Baggage

About your baggage
Carry your own cage
So far

[Verse 1]
About your baggage….
Why carry your own cage
Oh, so far

The human being
Being seen
Accumulating garbage
For excess baggage

You’re such a trip
Oblivious to all of us
Such a tight grip
Lascivious for exploitation
What about a solution?

[Instrumental, Claves, Bass]

[Verse 2]
Luggage language
Excess baggage
Living in your prison
With a passion

The human being
Being seen
Accumulating garbage
For excess baggage

[Instrumental, Flute Solo]

You’re such a trip
Oblivious to all of us
Such a tight grip
Lascivious for exploitation
What about a solution?

The human being
Being seen
Accumulating garbage
For excess baggage

You’re such a trip
Oblivious to all of us
Such a tight grip
Lascivious for exploitation
What about a solution?


From the album A Bizarre Situation by A Bizarre Bazaar

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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