Quantum Leap


Take a leap…
A quantum leap

[Verse 1]
Is there time that you can keep
Why not do what you can
Make a quantum leap
And, try to rescue Man

Revolutionary advancement
Transitionary achievement
Quantized energy
Realized synergy
Arrange change!

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

[Verse 2]
Awaken from your sleep
Make a quantum leap
Jump, bump, and thump
Leaps and bounds found

Revolutionary advancement
Transitionary achievement
Quantized energy
Realized synergy
Arrange change!

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Drum Fills]

A bold change to the world
Given birth on Earth
Live it for all it’s worth

Revolutionary advancement
Transitionary achievement
Quantized energy
Realized synergy
Arrange change!

Awaken from your sleep
Make a quantum leap


A quantum leap, also known as a quantum jump, refers to the sudden transition of an electron within an atom from one energy level to another. This concept is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and contrasts with the continuous transitions that are characteristic of classical physics.

Key Points About Quantum Leaps:

  1. Discrete Energy Levels:
    • In an atom, electrons occupy specific energy levels or orbits. These levels are quantized, meaning electrons can only exist in these specific states and not in between them.
  2. Energy Absorption and Emission:
    • When an electron absorbs a photon with the right amount of energy, it can jump from a lower energy level to a higher one. Conversely, when an electron falls from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon with energy corresponding to the difference between the two levels.
  3. Instantaneous Transition:
    • The term “quantum leap” suggests an instantaneous change from one energy level to another without traversing the space in between. This is a non-classical behavior, as it defies the notion of gradual transition seen in macroscopic systems.
  4. Photon Interaction:
    • Quantum leaps are often associated with the emission or absorption of photons. The energy of the emitted or absorbed photon is equal to the difference between the initial and final energy levels of the electron.


Consider a hydrogen atom, where the electron can occupy different energy levels. If an electron in the hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of the correct energy, it can jump from the ground state (n=1) to an excited state (n=2). When the electron returns to the ground state, it emits a photon with energy equal to the difference between these two states.

Broader Usage:

In popular culture and colloquial language, the term “quantum leap” is often used metaphorically to describe a significant or revolutionary advance or change. However, in physics, it specifically refers to the discrete transitions between quantized energy states in an atom.

Importance in Quantum Mechanics:

Quantum leaps are a fundamental aspect of how atoms and molecules absorb and emit light, which is essential for understanding a wide range of phenomena in physics, chemistry, and even biology. They are also critical for technologies such as lasers, semiconductors, and various forms of spectroscopy.

by Δ To Cause a Change from the album Psyched

MegaEpix Enormous

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