Quantum Tunneling

[Verse 1]
Wave hello
To the part about the particle
Able to pass through
A barrier for me and you

Counterintuitive effect
The result is direct
You’re saying hi
A long goodbye

Quantum tunneling
Schrödinger equation
Come earthling
Comprehension evasion

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Bass]

[Verse 2]
Challenges classical intuition
“What in God’s creation?”
What did Einstein have in mind
At the time?

Counterintuitive effect
The result is direct
You’re saying hi
A long goodbye

Quantum tunneling
Schrödinger equation
Come earthling
Comprehension evasion

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where a particle can pass through a potential barrier, even if it doesn’t have enough energy to overcome that barrier according to classical physics. This counterintuitive effect is a direct result of the wave-like properties of particles in quantum mechanics, described by the Schrödinger equation.

Key Points About Quantum Tunneling:

  1. Wave Function: In quantum mechanics, particles like electrons are described by wave functions, which provide information about the probability of finding the particle at a particular location. The wave function can extend into regions where classical physics would predict the particle cannot go.
  2. Potential Barrier: In classical mechanics, a particle with less energy than the height of a barrier cannot overcome it. In quantum mechanics, however, the wave function of the particle can extend into and through the barrier, allowing for a non-zero probability of the particle being found on the other side.
  3. Penetration and Transmission: The particle’s wave function doesn’t abruptly stop at the barrier. Instead, it gradually decreases (exponentially decays) within the barrier and can reappear on the other side. This means there is a finite probability that the particle will “tunnel” through the barrier, even though it doesn’t have the energy to do so classically.
  4. Applications: Quantum tunneling has several important applications in modern technology and science:
    • Semiconductors and Transistors: Tunneling is crucial in the operation of tunnel diodes and other semiconductor devices.
    • Nuclear Fusion: In the Sun, protons can tunnel through the Coulomb barrier (the repulsive force between positively charged protons) to enable nuclear fusion reactions.
    • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM): STM uses tunneling of electrons to image surfaces at the atomic level.
  5. Tunneling Time: The concept of how long it takes for a particle to tunnel through a barrier is still an area of active research and debate, with various theoretical models proposing different answers.


One common example of quantum tunneling is the alpha decay of a nucleus. In alpha decay, an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) is trapped inside a nucleus by the nuclear force. Classically, the alpha particle doesn’t have enough energy to escape the potential well created by the nucleus. However, quantum mechanically, there is a finite probability that it can tunnel through the barrier and be emitted as radioactive decay.

Quantum tunneling fundamentally challenges our classical intuition and demonstrates the non-deterministic and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

From the album Yet by 4D

MegaEpix Enormous

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