
(Huh, huh, huh)
Huh, huh, huh

[Verse 1]
How could this humidity
Be getting to me
Not ready

The air’s so think
Moisture laden slick
One things for sure
Increased vapor

Do you find it hard to believe
It makes it hard to breathe
It’s getting so hot
You’re better off not

[Verse 2]
Has the deadly heat
Got you beat
Water in my air
Too much to bear

’cause this humidity
Is getting to me
Really not ready

Do you find it hard to believe
It makes it hard to breathe
It’s getting so hot
You’re better off not

[Verse 3]
Argh! This humidity
Is killing me
Can’t steady
It’s deadly

If I could,
I would

Do you find it hard to believe
It makes it hard to breathe
It’s getting so hot
You’re better off not


Heat and humidity make it harder to breathe for several reasons:

  1. Increased Air Density and Moisture Content:
    • Humid air contains more water vapor, which displaces oxygen molecules. As a result, the air has fewer oxygen molecules per breath, making it feel harder to get enough oxygen.
  2. Thermoregulation Stress:
    • The body relies on evaporative cooling (sweating) to regulate temperature. High humidity reduces the evaporation rate of sweat, making it harder for the body to cool down. This can lead to overheating, which strains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  3. Heat Stress on the Body:
    • High temperatures cause the body to work harder to maintain a stable internal temperature. This increased effort can lead to faster, shallower breathing, making it feel like you can’t catch your breath.
  4. Increased Respiratory Rate:
    • The combination of heat and humidity can cause an increase in respiratory rate as the body attempts to cool down. Faster breathing can lead to a feeling of breathlessness or discomfort.
  5. Airway Reactivity:
    • For individuals with respiratory conditions like asthma or COPD, heat and humidity can exacerbate symptoms. Humid air can cause the airways to become more reactive and constricted, leading to difficulty breathing.
  6. Cardiovascular Demand:
    • The cardiovascular system has to work harder in hot, humid conditions to pump blood to the skin for cooling. This added strain can make it harder for the respiratory system to keep up, resulting in a feeling of breathlessness.
  7. Psychological Factors:
    • High heat and humidity can create a sense of discomfort and anxiety, which can make breathing feel more difficult. This psychological stress can compound the physical challenges of breathing in such conditions.

The combination of high heat and humidity imposes additional stress on the body’s thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, making it feel harder to breathe.

From the album “Right Now” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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