Waiting on the Whether

Anticipating whether
Waiting on the weather

[Verse 1]
More uncertainty
In predictability
The practicality
Of reality

Waiting on the weather
Anticipating whether
Today’s a day
To go out and play

Making music in the rain
Is a strain

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Bass]

[Verse 2]
Less certainty
In reliability
The practicality
Of reality

Waiting on the weather
Anticipating whether
Today’s a day
To go out and play

Making music in the rain
Is a strain

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Bass]

Making music in the rain
Turns insane
Refrain from dancing in the rain
Taking a chance
To dance
Risks your chance
To remain

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

Waiting on the weather
Anticipating whether
Today’s a day
To go out and play

Refrain from dancing in the rain
Taking a chance
To dance
Risks your chance
To remain

Climate change makes weather forecasting more difficult through several mechanisms that increase the complexity and variability of weather patterns. Here are some of the key challenges:

  1. Increased Weather Extremes: Climate change is associated with more frequent and intense weather extremes, such as heatwaves, heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and droughts. These extreme events are often harder to predict accurately because they can develop rapidly and are influenced by multiple factors.
  2. Altered Atmospheric Patterns: Climate change can disrupt established atmospheric circulation patterns, such as the jet stream and trade winds. These disruptions can lead to unusual weather patterns and increased variability, making it more challenging to forecast weather accurately over both short and long timescales.
  3. Greater Variability: With climate change, there is increased variability in weather conditions. This means that forecasters have to account for a wider range of possible scenarios, which increases the uncertainty in weather predictions.
  4. Shifts in Weather Systems: Climate change can cause shifts in the behavior and location of weather systems, such as changes in the onset and intensity of monsoons, the path of storm tracks, and the timing of seasonal transitions. These shifts can be difficult to predict accurately with existing models.
  5. Data Limitations: Climate change impacts can create conditions that are outside the range of historical data used to train weather forecasting models. This can limit the models’ ability to accurately predict new or unprecedented weather phenomena.
  6. Feedback Loops: Climate change can introduce complex feedback loops in the climate system. For example, melting polar ice reduces the Earth’s albedo (reflectivity), leading to more heat absorption and further warming. Such feedback loops can create nonlinear and unpredictable changes in weather patterns.
  7. Localized Impacts: Climate change can have highly localized impacts that are difficult to capture with large-scale weather models. For example, urban heat islands can exacerbate temperature extremes in cities, while regional variations in sea surface temperatures can influence local weather patterns.
  8. Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions: Changes in ocean temperatures and currents, such as those associated with El Niño and La Niña events, can have significant and far-reaching impacts on weather patterns. Climate change can alter the frequency, intensity, and behavior of these ocean-atmosphere interactions, complicating weather forecasts.
  9. Model Uncertainty: Weather forecasting relies on numerical models that simulate the atmosphere. As climate change alters the baseline conditions of the atmosphere, these models may need to be continually updated and refined to maintain their accuracy. The increasing complexity of the climate system can introduce more uncertainty into these models.
  10. Infrastructure Strain: The increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events can strain meteorological infrastructure, such as weather stations and satellite networks. Maintaining and expanding this infrastructure to keep up with the demands of accurate forecasting becomes more challenging in the face of climate change.

Climate change introduces new variables and amplifies existing uncertainties in the weather forecasting process, making it more difficult to provide accurate and reliable predictions. Meteorologists and climate scientists are continually working to improve models and incorporate new data to better understand and forecast weather in a changing climate.

Global warming is caused by an increase in thermal energy in the climate system. The Earth is a climate system. Many subsystems make up our climate. Chaos theory emphasizes the complexity and nonlinearity of dynamic systems, and this complexity is inherent in the interactions between soil, atmosphere, and oceans in the Earth’s climate system.

Atmospheric circulation together with ocean circulation is how thermal energy is redistributed throughout the world. Chaos theory offers insights into the complex, nonlinear dynamics of climate systems role in the redistribution of thermal energy. The Earth’s climate is a highly complex and dynamic system, influenced by various factors such as ocean currents, atmospheric circulation, and feedback loops.

General Circulation Models for the earth climate are nonlinear and teleconnected. That means a small change in temperature or pressure or humidity in one small area on the globe can cause _large_ changes in conditions _anywhere_ on the globe. This is sometimes called the Butterfly effect. The complexity of these models can lead to chaotic behaviour. Climate science must grapple with these models and extract results in spite of the mathematical difficulties, and there have been remarkable successes in some cases and sad failures in others. Nevertheless we must proceed.

Humans are making the Earth hotter. The cool water from the melting ice at the poles is being drawn toward the center of the Earth and getting warmed to record high temperatures. The warm, moist air is circulating and moving over land. The average time moisture stays in the air is 9 days before it turns into precipitation. The warmer the air becomes, the more rain the atmosphere holds and dumps; therefore, violent rain events are increasing in frequency and intensity.

* Our climate model employs chaos theory to comprehensively consider human impacts and projects a potential global average temperature increase of 9℃ above pre-industrial levels.

From the album “Incoming” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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