
One trillion
Two trillion
Zillion trillion

[Verse 1]
Understanding deficit
Of a fiscal deficit
Bringing on regret
We won’t forget

And, tax and spend
Do it again
Going to upend
When will it end?

Zillion trillion
Borrow sorrow

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

[Verse 2]
Underestimate the deficit
When you neglect the climate
Bringing on debt and regret
We hope to live to forget

And, tax and spend
Do it again
Going to upend
When will it end?

Zillion trillion
Borrow sorrow

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Bass]

And, tax and spend
Do it again
Going to upend
When will it end?

Zillion trillion
Borrow sorrow

And, tax and spend
Do it again
Going to upend
When will it end?


The federal budget deficit and national debt can negatively impact freedom, liberty, and future generations in several ways:

1. Economic Constraints

Debt Servicing Costs:

  • As the national debt grows, so do the costs associated with servicing that debt, primarily through interest payments. This means a larger portion of the federal budget is allocated to paying interest rather than funding essential services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest costs could become the largest federal expenditure, outpacing even defense spending .

Reduced Fiscal Flexibility:

  • High levels of debt reduce the government’s ability to respond effectively to economic crises or other emergencies. For instance, during recessions or natural disasters, a heavily indebted government may find it challenging to implement necessary fiscal stimulus measures without exacerbating the debt situation .

2. Higher Taxes and Reduced Public Services

Tax Burden on Future Generations:

  • To manage the debt, the government might increase taxes. Higher taxes can reduce disposable income for individuals and businesses, potentially slowing economic growth. Future generations could bear the brunt of these increased tax burdens, limiting their financial freedom and opportunities .

Cuts to Public Services:

  • To control the deficit, the government might also cut public services and social programs. This can affect the quality of education, healthcare, and social security, undermining the social safety net that many depend on .

3. Economic Growth and Opportunities

Crowding Out Effect:

  • When the government borrows extensively, it can lead to higher interest rates as it competes with the private sector for capital. Higher interest rates can deter private investment, which is crucial for economic growth and job creation. This “crowding out” effect can limit economic opportunities for individuals and businesses .

Inflationary Pressures:

  • Financing debt by printing more money can lead to inflation. While moderate inflation is normal, high inflation erodes purchasing power, disproportionately affecting those on fixed incomes and savings, thus reducing their economic liberty .

4. National Security and Sovereignty

Dependency on Foreign Creditors:

  • A significant portion of the U.S. debt is held by foreign investors. This dependency can potentially give foreign governments leverage over U.S. policy decisions, compromising national sovereignty and security .

Strategic Vulnerabilities:

  • High debt levels can limit defense spending and investment in national security infrastructure, making the country more vulnerable to external threats .

5. Moral and Ethical Considerations

Intergenerational Equity:

  • Accumulating substantial debt shifts the financial burden to future generations. This raises ethical concerns about the fairness of making future citizens pay for current consumption and policy decisions. This intergenerational transfer of debt can be seen as a reduction in the liberty and opportunities available to future generations .


While managing a certain level of debt is normal and can be beneficial for economic growth, excessive debt and persistent deficits pose significant risks to economic freedom, national security, and the well-being of future generations. Policymakers need to balance current needs with long-term fiscal sustainability to ensure that freedom and opportunities are preserved for future generations.


  1. Congressional Budget Office – The Budget and Economic Outlook
  2. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget – Interest Costs Will Be the Largest Category of Federal Spending
  3. Brookings Institution – The National Debt Dilemma
  4. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities – Debunking Myths About Federal Spending
  5. Heritage Foundation – The Unsustainable Fiscal Outlook
  6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis – The Crowding Out Effect
  7. International Monetary Fund – Inflation and Debt
  8. Council on Foreign Relations – Foreign Holdings of U.S. Debt
  9. RAND Corporation – National Security Implications of U.S. Debt
  10. Urban Institute – Intergenerational Equity and the Federal Budget

From the album “Free Democracy” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

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