Hold the Onions

My soul is like a bushel of onions
Layer upon layer (upon layer)
Rescued from the dungeons
You’re my soothsayer

[Verse 1]
Peel back the layers
One by one
Soul surveyors
Never done
Discover what’s at the core
Peel back more

Soul, hold the onions
Layer upon layer (upon layer)
Rescued from the dungeons
You’re my soothsayer
Discover what’s at the core
Peel back more

[Verse 2]
To explore the core
Peel back more
To feel the spirit
Reveal it
Discover what’s at the core
Peel back more

Soul, hold the onions
Layer upon layer (upon layer)
Rescued from the dungeons
You’re my soothsayer
Discover what’s at the core
Peel back more

Discover what’s at the core
Peel back more

From the album “Hold the Onions” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

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