Knock on Wood Would

You better knock on wood
Wood would
Knock (knock)

[Verse 1]
You better knock
(Knock, knock)
On wood
Our lucks about to run out

[Verse 2]
You better knock
(Knock, knock)
On wood
While you could, there’s no doubt
While you could
You know wood would
Knock on wood!

Of nature’s synapse
Her lungs
Have come undone

Time to realize
It happening…
Right before our eyes

[Verse 3]
You better knock
(Knock, knock)
On wood
While you can… here comes Man!
While you stand
You know wood would
Knock on wood
Our luck is running out
And, there’s no doubt

You better knock on wood
Wood would
Knock (knock)

In North America, less than 5% of the original old-growth forests remain in the West, and less than 1% in the East. This significant decline is primarily due to logging and other disturbances since European settlement. These old-growth forests play a crucial ecological role by providing unique habitats and maintaining biodiversity. Efforts are being made to inventory and protect these remaining forests to ensure their ecological and cultural benefits are preserved for future generations​ (Home | Bureau of Land Management)​​ (Old-Growth Forest Network)​.

From the album “Wood You Save the Trees?” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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