Not Alone

No matter how you slice
No matter how you dice
You’re not alone
It’s all our home

[Verse 1]
If you ever feel
You’re all alone
The real deal…
It’s all our home

Sweet, sweet, home
Not alone

Every birth
Is on Earth
Every breath
Till death

You confess
To living in some other atmosphere
How queer

[Verse 2]
When you come down to Earth
Become aware (of your air)
Without it, no birth
Become aware (of your air)

Sweet, sweet, home
Not alone

Every birth
Is on Earth
Every breath
Till death

You confess
To living in some other atmosphere
How queer
Become aware (of your air)
Become aware (of your air)

Become aware (of the air)
Aware of the air
(of the air)

A bonus track from the album “Wood You Save the Trees?” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

From the album “Hold the Onions” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

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