Screw It

Oh, despair
Need urgent repair
Knew it
Screw it

[Verse 1]
Hear them clamor
For a hammer
Hear the sound
As they pound

Oh, despair
Need urgent repair
Knew it
Screw it

This scene
Built for a machine
After what I’ve seen
Weather extreme

[Verse 2]
The work crew
Screw, screw, screw
After all…
What are you going to do?

Oh, despair
Need urgent repair
Knew it
Screw it

This scene
Built for a machine
After what I’ve seen
Weather extreme

Oh, despair
Need urgent repair
Knew it
Screw it

This scene
Built for a machine

From the album “Hold the Onions” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

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