Storm Damage

Storm damage

[Verse 1]
I could see the tree
Coming at me
Shh, shh, shockingly

When the trunk breaks
The earth shakes

It’s all falling down
Around me (down, down, down)
Falling down
I’m trying shying
From dying

Shh, shh, shockingly
Sure am lucky
Missed me

[Verse 2]
Shh, shh, shockingly
In ya know… slow mo
Horror picture show

[Instrumental, Drum Fills]
When the trunk breaks
The earth shakes

It’s all falling down
Around me (down, down, down)
Falling down
I’m trying shying
From dying

Damn storm damage
Shh, shh, shockingly
Sure am lucky
Missed me

Storm damage
Luckily, missing me


Climate change and extreme weather events are significantly impacting homeowner’s insurance in several ways:

  1. Increased Premiums:
    • Insurers are raising premiums to offset the higher costs associated with more frequent and severe weather events. For example, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters are causing substantial damage, leading to increased claims and higher payouts by insurance companies​.
  2. Reduced Availability and Coverage:
    • In high-risk areas prone to natural disasters, some insurers are limiting the availability of policies or excluding specific types of coverage, such as flood or wind damage. This makes it more difficult for homeowners to obtain comprehensive insurance coverage​​.
  3. Stricter Underwriting:
    • Insurers are implementing stricter underwriting criteria to assess the risk of insuring properties. This includes detailed evaluations of a home’s location, construction, and susceptibility to extreme weather events. Homes that do not meet the new criteria may be denied coverage or face higher premiums.
  4. Increased Deductibles:
    • To manage their risk exposure, insurers are increasing deductibles for claims related to natural disasters. This means homeowners will have to pay more out-of-pocket before their insurance coverage kicks in.
  5. Emphasis on Mitigation:
    • Insurance companies are encouraging or even requiring homeowners to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of damage from extreme weather events. This can include fortifying homes against storms, installing fire-resistant materials, or creating defensible space around properties in wildfire-prone areas​.
  6. Reinsurance Costs:
    • The cost of reinsurance (insurance for insurance companies) is also rising due to the increased frequency and severity of claims. These higher costs are often passed down to homeowners through increased premiums​​.

Climate change and extreme weather events are driving up the costs and complexities of homeowner’s insurance, making it more expensive and sometimes more difficult to obtain comprehensive coverage. Insurers are responding by adjusting premiums, underwriting practices, and encouraging risk mitigation measures.

From the album “Hold the Onions” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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