Under My Administration

Indeed (In deed)
One nation

[Verse 1]
Under my administration
One divided nation
Freedom’s equilibrium
Has gone numb (Feed dumb)
Free dumb rings

One nation
Under water
Cursed, you did
Your son and daughter
One nation’s
Quid (pro quo)
You know!

[Verse 2]
Under my administration
Head backward, before stagnation
Tryin’ to bring
On The End
Black angel, sing!
(Bring) on the End
Freedom’s equilibrium
Has gone numb (Feed dumb)
Free dumb rings

What we did
Quid (pro quo)
You know!

Chaos theory underscores the intricate and nonlinear nature of dynamic systems. Previous climate models have inadequately incorporated “social-ecological systems” as human involvement was not a significant factor in past climate changes. Regrettably, the United States ranks among the least prepared countries globally, with the highest percentage of climate deniers. Politicians hinder the fight against climate change exacerbating the problem. The Republican party dismisses it as a manufactured crisis and plans to increase fossil fuel production. Political extremists asserting that the climate crisis is manufactured employ an ironic term, considering that human manufacturing activities are the primary driver of climate change. Under President Biden, the United States has continued to be the world’s largest producer of oil, including crude oil, natural gas liquids, and other petroleum products. Both political parties have concurred to allocate unlimited emergency funding for climate disasters instead of proactively preventing them. Last year, the US witnessed a record number of over a billion-dollar climate disasters, totaling 28 separate weather and climate-related events. It is due to this arrogance and ignorance that “worst-case scenarios” are now “best-case scenarios” for the acceleration of climate change. These factors have altered our climate model, shifting the projected maximum temperature rise from 4 degrees Celsius over the next millennium to a probable increase of 9 degrees Celsius this century. A 9-degree Celsius increase would bring the Earth close to a wet-bulb temperature incapable of sustaining human life.

From the album “Free Freedom” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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