Itsy Bitsy Hiccup

Can you back up a little?
Backup the back up

[Verse 1]
Maybe it’s just an itsy bitsy
Back up hiccup
A tennie weenie
Hiccup in the backup
(Back up hiccup)

Concede we won’t recede
Our speed
(nor greed)
We’d rather bleed!

Too busy today
Too busy to pay
Busy paving the way
To doomsday
(Fatal attraction)
Sole satisfaction
(Soul satisfaction)

[Verse 2]
Perhaps it’s only an itsy bitsy
Back up hiccup
‘lil glitch n’ twist…
Hiccup in the backup
(Back up hiccup)

Concede we won’t recede
Our speed
(nor greed)
We’d rather bleed!

Too busy today
Too busy to pay
Busy paving the way
To doomsday
(Fatal attraction)
Sole satisfaction
(Soul satisfaction)

Sole satisfaction
(Soul satisfaction)
Sole satisfaction
(Soul satisfaction)

As of today, there is no known way to fully reverse human-induced climate change. While there are methods to mitigate its effects, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy, and enhancing carbon capture technologies, these measures cannot completely undo the damage that has already been done. Additionally, there is no comprehensive backup plan in place to address the worst-case scenarios of climate change. This means that global efforts are primarily focused on prevention and adaptation rather than reversal. The lack of a backup plan highlights the urgency of immediate and sustained action to mitigate further impacts and protect our planet’s future.

From the album “How to Serve Man” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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