And How

Envision the scene
Vision as dream
It’s how dreams come true
They do

[Verse 1]
Envision the dream
With precision
And, dreams come true
They do

Oh, we’re gonna have a good time
Yes, we’re gonna have a good time
Gonna have a good time
Right now
And how

What do you want to be?
(Me and we!)
What do you want to be?
(Me and we!)
And, thus us
We’re in this together
No matter the weather
We’re in this together
No matter the whether

[Verse 2]
Envision a dream come true
It’s all up to you
See the dream’s scene
And, let it be seen

Oh, we’re gonna have a good time
Yes, we’re gonna have a good time
Gonna have a good time
Right now
And how

What do you want to be?
(Me and we!)
What do you want to be?
(Me and we!)
And, thus us

We’re in this together
No matter the weather
We’re in this together
No matter the whether


Athletes often use a meditation technique known as visualization or mental imagery to envision a race or performance in advance. This technique involves mentally rehearsing the race, competition, or performance in great detail. Here’s how it works and its benefits:

How Visualization Works

  1. Relaxation:

    • Athletes start by finding a quiet place and assuming a comfortable position. They might use deep breathing exercises to enter a relaxed state.
  2. Detailed Imagery:

    • They then begin to mentally recreate the race or event in vivid detail. This includes visualizing the start, the course, competitors, and the finish line.
    • They incorporate all senses into the visualization – seeing the track, hearing the crowd, feeling the ground underfoot, smelling the environment, and even tasting sweat.
  3. Positive Outcomes:

    • Athletes focus on performing well, imagining themselves executing each movement perfectly, overcoming challenges, and achieving their goals.
    • They visualize both the physical and emotional aspects of the race, including staying calm under pressure and maintaining focus.
  4. Consistency:

    • This practice is often repeated regularly, helping to reinforce the mental rehearsal and making the visualization more vivid and automatic.

Benefits of Visualization

  1. Improved Performance:

    • Visualization helps athletes prepare mentally for the race, which can enhance physical performance. By mentally rehearsing the race, they are better prepared for the actual event.
  2. Enhanced Confidence:

    • Seeing themselves succeed in their mind’s eye can boost athletes’ confidence, reducing anxiety and self-doubt.
  3. Better Focus:

    • Visualization helps athletes concentrate on the task at hand, blocking out distractions and staying focused on their goals.
  4. Preparation for Various Scenarios:

    • By imagining different scenarios, such as adverse weather or strong competitors, athletes can prepare mentally for unexpected challenges.
  5. Muscle Memory:

    • Repeated mental practice can help in building muscle memory, making physical movements more natural and automatic during the actual performance.

Practical Example

A sprinter might use visualization to mentally run through their race multiple times before the actual event:

  • Start: Imagining the feel of the starting blocks, the sound of the starter gun, and the initial burst of speed.
  • Middle of the Race: Visualizing maintaining form, pacing, and strategic movements.
  • Finish: Seeing themselves crossing the finish line, feeling the satisfaction of completing the race, and experiencing the emotions of victory.

In conclusion, visualization is a powerful meditation technique that helps athletes prepare for their races or performances by mentally rehearsing and envisioning every aspect of the event. This practice can lead to improved performance, increased confidence, better focus, and effective handling of various scenarios.


From the album “She’s Gonna Give!” by Daniel

MegaEpix Enormous

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