Transgress This Mess

Why don’t you back on up
And, sit right down
(We’ll take a look around)

[Verse 1]
Hey, how are you doing?
(O.K. What do you say?)
I’m doing fine, but about our time…
Why don’t you back on up
And, sit right down
(We’ll take a look around)

Take a look around
See what’s found
While we transgress
This mess

[Verse 2]
By the way, where ya going
(Me? I’m on my way to knowing. You?)
I’m doing fine, but about our time…
Why don’t you back on up
And, sit right down
(We’ll take a look around)

Take a look around
See what’s found
While we transgress
This mess

Why don’t you back on up
And, sit right down
(We’ll take a look around)

Take a look around
See what’s found
While we transgress
This mess

From the album “She’s Gonna Give!” by Daniel

MegaEpix Enormous

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