The Thrill of a Lifetime

Roll up, roll up! The excitement is right hear!
Make way. Move clear.

[Verse 1]
Experience the thrill of a lifetime
In notes and rhyme
Hurry, hurry, hurry! The show is about to begin!
Plenty of room… come right in

About to lose my mind
There’s a carnival in my head
Can believe what you’ll find
Come on in let your soul be fed

Roll up, roll up!
The excitement is right here!
Sound and thrills abound,
Magic moments to endear!

[Verse 2]
Don’t miss out! This is your chance
For song and dance
Try your luck! You can’t win if you don’t play!
Let’s make it a day

About to lose my mind
There’s a carnival in my head
Can believe what you’ll find
Come on in let your soul be fed

Roll up, roll up!
The excitement is right here!
Sound and thrills abound,
Magic moments to endear!

About to lose my mind
There’s a carnival in my head
Can believe what you’ll find
Come on in let your soul be fed

Roll up, roll up!
The excitement is right here!
Sound and thrills abound,
Magic moments to endear!

From the album “She’s Gonna Give!” by Daniel

MegaEpix Enormous

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