Mercury Rising

Mercury rising
The planets align
Mercury rising
Thermometer’s a sign

[Verse 1]
Don’t need astrology
For climatology
Just look at mercury
And, you’ll see

Thermal energy
Causing entropy
Not gonna see

Liquid metal
We did meddle
Watch flesh melt
From under your belt

[Verse 2]
Better off with astronomy
To find our destiny
Look to the atmosphere
To see Man’s smear

Thermal energy
Causing entropy
Not gonna see

Liquid metal
We did meddle
Watch flesh melt
From under your belt

Thermal energy
Causing entropy
Not gonna see

Liquid metal
We did meddle
Watch flesh melt
From under your belt

Mercury is both a liquid at room temperature (as it has a very low melting point of -39C) and a metal.

Mercury Rising in a Thermometer

When mercury rises in a thermometer, it indicates an increase in temperature. Here’s how it works:

  1. Thermal Expansion: Mercury expands when it is heated. As the temperature increases, the mercury inside the glass tube of the thermometer expands and rises. Conversely, when the temperature decreases, the mercury contracts and falls.
  2. Measurement: Thermometers are calibrated to show the temperature corresponding to the height of the mercury column. As the mercury rises, it moves past markings on the thermometer that indicate the temperature.

Mercury Rising Astrologically

In astrology, “Mercury rising” refers to the position of the planet Mercury in the natal chart, particularly when it is near the Ascendant (the eastern horizon) at the time of a person’s birth. Here’s what it signifies:

  1. Communication and Intelligence: Mercury is the planet associated with communication, intellect, reasoning, and the mind. When Mercury is rising, these qualities are believed to be prominent in a person’s personality.
  2. Influence on Personality: Individuals with Mercury rising are often thought to be curious, articulate, and quick-witted. They may have a strong ability to express themselves and a keen interest in learning and exchanging ideas.
  3. Astrological Chart: In the natal chart, the Ascendant (or rising sign) represents the outward persona and how others perceive the individual. Mercury rising can enhance traits related to Mercury, such as adaptability and sociability.

In summary, rising mercury in a thermometer indicates a physical increase in temperature, while Mercury rising astrologically suggests a prominent influence of the planet Mercury on an individual’s personality and communication skills.

From the album “She’s Gonna Give!” by Daniel

MegaEpix Enormous

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