Numbers Are Numbers

Numbers are numbers
Know they don’t lie
The path through math
Will suppress your cry

[Verse 1]
See inequity rising
Not surprisingly
So is the sea
Only rational thinking
Will stop our ship from sinking

Numbers are numbers (1, 2)
Know they don’t lie (never do)
The path through math (3, 4)
Will suppress your cry (for sure)

[Verse 2]
If tax code is taxing
On your ‘facting’
Try to find your mind
(through being kind)
Only rational thinking
Will stop our ship from sinking

Numbers are numbers (1, 2)
Know they don’t lie (never do)
The path through math (3, 4)
Will suppress your cry (for sure)

Only rational thinking
Will stop our ship from sinking

Numbers are numbers (1, 2)
Know they don’t lie (never do)
The path through math (3, 4)
Will suppress your cry (for sure)

Climate change will continue to exacerbate existing inequalities. As extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related disruptions increase, those with fewer resources will struggle the most to adapt and recover. This growing inequality calls for a two-pronged approach: actively working to mitigate global warming and preparing for the socio-economic disparities it will inevitably deepen.

From the album “Half-Cocked” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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