Drastic or Fantastic?

Or fantastic
I’m asking you
Your point-of-view

[Verse 1]
From your point-of-view
What should we do
Is it too late
To participate

Drastic (Spastic)
Or fantastic (Music)
I’m asking you
Your point-of-view
(What do you do?)

Are you in the dark
Or basking in the light
Situation stark
Or basking in delight

[Verse 2]
From your point-of-view
Will you get through
Are you too late
To anticipate

Drastic (Spastic)
Or fantastic (Music)
I’m asking you
Your point-of-view
(What do you do?)

Are you in the dark
Or basking in the light
Situation stark
Or basking in delight

Drastic (Spastic)
Or fantastic (Music)
I’m asking you
Your point-of-view
(What do you do?)

Basking in the light
Basking in delight

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

From the album “Dreadnots” by Narley Marley

MegaEpix Enormous

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