The Devil Made Me Do It

The devil made me do it
Yes, I do insist

[Verse 1]
The devil made me do it?
Oh, please… just quit
The responsibility
Is on me

An absentee

Blame hatin’ on Satan
What’s in your heart
Prince of Darkness
Ain’t that smart

[Verse 2]
‘The devil made me do it’
Such a bad habit
It’s just a shame
Avoiding the blame

An absentee

Blame hatin’ on Satan
What’s in your heart
The Prince of Darkness
Ain’t that smart

An absentee

The devil made me do it
(Ain’t cuttin’ it… not a bit)

This Christmas

From the album “This is It” by Daniel and the album “Rasta-Far-Eon” by Narley Marley

MegaEpix Enormous

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