A Shiny Apple Glistened

Once (upon a time)
in a world void of reason (and rhyme)

Once upon a time, in a world of green and gold,
A Sleeping Beauty lay, her story yet untold,
Beneath the shade of forests, by rivers that would run,
Dreaming of a future under a shining sun.

But somewhere in the distance, a shadow starts to creep,
A shiny apple glistens, as she drifts into her sleep,
Tempted by its shimmer, by the promise that it holds,
Not knowing that the danger lies within its mold.

Oh, Sleeping Beauty, wake from your dreams,
The world is burning, tearing at the seams,
A shiny apple, tempting and bright,
But its sweetness hides the darkest of nights.

[Verse 2]
The seasons start to change, the ice begins to melt,
The forests lose their color, the rains sting and pelt,
The apple’s getting brighter, but with every single bite,
The poison flows much deeper, stealing all the light.

Now the rivers run with sorrow, the skies are painted gray,
The birds have stopped their singing, the flowers fade away,
But Sleeping Beauty slumbers, her eyes remain closed tight,
Unaware the apple’s poisoned everything in sight.

Oh, Sleeping Beauty, wake from your dreams,
The world is burning, tearing at the seams,
A shiny apple, tempting and bright,
But its sweetness hides the darkest of nights.

It’s time to wake up, break the spell,
Rise from the ashes where we fell,
We’ve tasted too much, believed the lies,
Now the answer’s before our eyes.

Once upon a time, in a world of green and blue,
A Sleeping Beauty wakes, and we begin anew.

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

From the album “Wild Ride” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

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