About the Price of Eggs

About the price of eggs
(In the age of shrinkage)
A poor man begs
(For a baker’s dozen)

Oh, oh, no it doesn’t
(Come easy)
Is that so hard to see?

The resources
(Are scarce)
Hard to be found
Instead feed your head
(With the sound)
It’s all around
(Found the sound)

The find is kind

About the price of eggs
(The question it begs)
Assets too frozen
(For a baker’s dozen)

Oh, oh, no it doesn’t
(Come easy)
Is that so hard to see?

The resources
(Are scarce)
Hard to be found
Instead feed your head
(With the sound)
It’s all around
(Found the sound)

The find is kind

Oh, oh, no it doesn’t
(Come easy)
Is that so hard to see?

About the price of eggs
Which came first…
(Hunger or thirst)

From the album “Anthropological” by Daniel

Also found on the album “Say Reggae” by Narley Marley

The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

MegaEpix Enormous

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