- All-Your-Eggs-0.mp3
- All-Your-Eggs-0.mp4
- All-Your-Eggs-I.mp3
- All-Your-Eggs-I.mp4
- All-Your-Eggs-Unplugged-Underground-XI.mp3
- All-Your-Eggs-Unplugged-Underground-XI.mp4
- All-Your-Eggs-Unplugged.mp3
- All-Your-Eggs-Unplugged.mp4
- All-Your-Eggs-acoustic-prelude.mp3
Don’t put all your eggs
In one basket
Or you may regret…
(Your life has no legs)
[Verse 1]
Slipped, tripped
(Fell on my face)
Smacked, cracked
(Put in my place)
Don’t put all your eggs
In one basket
Or you may regret…
(Your life has no legs)
Spreading the risk
Stop loss
Coin toss
(Or fact intact?)
[Verse 2]
Slipped, tripped
(Fell on my face)
Smacked, cracked
(Put in my place)
Hard to tell
If I fell
Eggs all spread out
Secure, no doubt
Don’t put all your eggs
In one basket
Or you may regret…
(Round hole, square pegs)
Spreading the risk
Stop loss
Coin toss
(Or fact intact?)
Scrambled or fried
(Along for the ride)