- What-is-Real-0.mp3
- What-is-Real-0.mp4
- What-is-Real-I.mp3
- What-is-Real-I.mp4
- What-is-Real-electric.mp3
What is “real” often involves asking questions
(Asking questions?)
I mean…
For real:
Often involves asking questions
(Open for suggestions)
Which way is down?
(Down, down, down)
I forget… how does one get…
(Down, get down, get down)
What is “real” often involves asking questions
(Asking questions?)
As far as suggestions, not to mention recommendations
(And for variation)
For real?
I mean…
For real:
Often involves asking questions
(Open for suggestions?)
Which way is down?
(Down, down, down)
I forget… how does one get…
(Down, get down, get down)
I mean…
For real:
Often involves asking questions
(Open for suggestions?)
Which way is down?
(Down, down, down)
I forget… how does one get…
(Down, get down, get down)
(Down, get down, get down)
(Down, down, down)
What is “real” often involves asking questions
What is “for real” depends on the context of your question, but generally, it refers to something genuine, authentic, or true. In philosophy and science, determining what is “real” often involves asking probing questions. Subjective reality and consensus reality are shaped by feelings, emotions, and beliefs, regardless of their truth or falsehood. In contrast, existential reality and scientific reality are grounded in facts. For example, “which way is down?” From a subjective or consensus perspective, your “down” could be my “up.” However, from a scientific perspective, down is down, and up is up.