Blown Away


Which way will the wind blow you
Can you tell me true
Say as you’re blown away

[Verse 1]
The rains are pounding
(Ever harder)
The pain’s resounding
(Your life for barter)

Which way will the wind blow you
Can you tell me true
Say as you’re blown away

Blown away
(Feel me fray)
Blown away
(Gone astray)

[Verse 2]
The ground is drier
(Then ever before)
Our leader a liar
(We cannot endure)

Which way will the wind blow you
Can you tell me true
Say as you’re blown away

Blown away
(Feel me fray)
Blown away
(Gone astray)

Which way will the wind blow you
Can you tell me true
Say as you’re blown away


Violent Rain
What turns these severe weather events into ‘violent rain events’ is the application of the drag equation and flow dynamics.

Mass and velocity are just part of the equation; density also plays a key role. The combination of these variables increases the intensity of flow forces. Wind and water forces scale with the square of velocity, meaning that as flow speeds increase — due to more intense heating or heavier rainfall — the damage scales accordingly. According to drag physics, force is proportional to density times the square of velocity.

For example, a 20-mile-an-hour wind exerts four times the force of a 10-mile-an-hour wind, while a 40-mile-an-hour wind exerts 16 times the force of a 10-mile-an-hour wind. At 50 miles an hour, the force is 25 times greater, and at 60 miles an hour, it’s 36 times greater than at 10 miles an hour. Now, add the density factor: water is about 800 times denser than air, so a 10-mile-an-hour water flow exerts 800 times the force of a 10-mile-an-hour wind.

As flow velocities increase due to climate change, the forces — and thus the damage — scale with the square of the velocities. While we may not know precisely how much velocities will rise with climate change, we’re already seeing the effects: overwhelmed flood and sewage systems, collapsing hillsides, and more.


From the album “On the Edge

The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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