Facts Are Facts

[Verse 1]
Time to get the facts straight
Ducks in a row
I mean… at any rate
Get ready to go
On your marks,
Get set,

You’re going to have to get up
Stand up
Yes, that’s right
You’re going to have to move it
Or lose it

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Bass]

Glaciers melting
Hailstones pelting
Alert! Desertification
Refugee migration
Can you see
We create destiny

You’re going to have to get up
Stand up
Yes, that’s right
You’re going to have to move it
Or lose it

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Sub-Bass]

Tipping points
Rockin’ joints
Feedback attack
A little too little[Chorus]
You’re going to have to get up
Stand up
Yes, that’s right
You’re going to have to move it
Or lose it

You’re going to have to get up
Stand up
Yes, that’s right
You’re going to have to move it
Or lose it

[Instrumental, Bass Solo, Drum Fills]

A little to late
Way, weigh too late

Tipping points, when crossed, trigger self-sustaining feedback loops that are no longer dependent on human activity. Similar to when a domino topples over hitting two more dominoes that in turn fall hitting more dominoes. Thus, the name The Domino Effect. It can also be visualized as The Snowball Effect. A tipping point is like a snowball rolling down a hill growing in mass and velocity (momentum). When a tipping point is crossed, it results in cumulative and reinforced global warming.

A look at seven of the nine tipping points crossed that show the proverbial snowball is already rolling. The first dominoes have fallen and will continue to knock down more tiles with each escalating step.

  • Mountain Glacier Loss
  • Greenland Ice Sheet Collapse
  • Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse
  • Collapse of AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation)
  • Amazon Rainforest Dieback
  • Coral Reef Die-Off
  • Northern Permafrost Collapse

From the album “Days” by Daniel

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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