Steady and Heavy

[Verse 1]
Coming in steady
And heavy
A constant deluge
I’m seeking refuge

Creates a mess
Floods and mud
Sacrificial blood

What’s your justification?

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

[Verse 2]
Coming in steady
And heavy
A constant downpour
I can’t take any more

Creates a mess
Floods and mud
Sacrificial blood

What’s your justification?

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Synthesizers]

What’s your justification?

Creates a mess
Floods and mud
Sacrificial blood

[Instrumental, Piano]

What’s your justification?

What’s your justification?

Climate change is primarily driven by the escalation of thermal energy affecting biogeophysical and socio-economic systems. While biogeophysical factors can be studied using math, physics, and historical records, socio-economic systems pose greater challenges due to the unpredictable consequences of human behavior and inexplicable consumer choices.

Inexplicable consumer behavior in the face of known consequences of anthropogenic climate change can manifest in various ways. Some examples include:

  1. Excessive Consumption: Despite awareness of the environmental impact of overconsumption, some individuals continue to engage in excessive buying behaviors, contributing to resource depletion, waste generation, and carbon emissions.
  2. Preference for Non-sustainable Products: Despite the availability of sustainable alternatives, some consumers may choose products with high environmental footprints due to perceived convenience, lower cost, or brand loyalty, ignoring the long-term consequences.
  3. Disregard for Energy Efficiency: Despite the availability of energy-efficient appliances and technologies, some consumers may prioritize other factors (e.g., aesthetics, initial cost) over energy savings, leading to higher energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Single-Use Plastic Consumption: Despite widespread knowledge of the detrimental effects of single-use plastics on the environment, some consumers continue to use disposable plastic products excessively, contributing to plastic pollution in oceans and ecosystems.
  5. Inefficient Transportation Choices: Despite awareness of the environmental impact of fossil fuel-powered vehicles, some consumers may prefer inefficient modes of transportation (e.g., driving alone in gas-guzzling vehicles) over sustainable alternatives (e.g., public transit, biking, walking).
  6. Food Waste: Despite understanding the environmental consequences of food waste, some consumers may continue to waste food due to overbuying, improper storage, or disregard for expiration dates, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.
  7. Fast Fashion Consumption: Despite awareness of the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, including water pollution, chemical usage, and labor exploitation, some consumers continue to support the industry by purchasing cheap, disposable clothing.
  8. Reluctance to Adopt Sustainable Practices: Despite increasing awareness of sustainable living practices (e.g., recycling, composting, reducing meat consumption), some consumers may be resistant to change due to inertia, lack of knowledge, or perceived inconvenience.

These examples illustrate how consumer behavior can sometimes defy logic or go against the imperative of addressing climate change and environmental degradation. Addressing these behaviors often requires a combination of education, policy interventions, market incentives, and societal norms to encourage more sustainable choices.

From the album “Incoming” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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