Pickled and Impervious

3, 2, 1, none

[Verse 1]
Riddled with ridiculous
Such as this
Pickled and impervious
Such as this

The worms crawl in
The worms crawl out
Out of the snout
And, cling to the chin

Why, oh, why
Do they wait to try
Until after they die?
Flesh and bone dry
Their dusts fly toward the sky

[Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills]

[Verse 2]
Rattled and delirious
Such as this
Saddled with dubious
Such as this

The worms crawl in
The worms crawl out
Out of the snout
And, cling to the chin

Why, oh, why
Do they wait to try
Until after they die?
Flesh and bone dry
Their dusts fly toward the sky

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Piano]

Riddled with ridiculous
Pickled and impervious
Rattled and delirious
Saddled with dubious
Rattled and delirious
Riddled with ridiculous
Pickled and impervious

Rattled and delirious
Riddled with ridiculous
Pickled and impervious

Unfortunately, even scientists are failing to see, let alone forecast, the rapid acceleration in climate change. Due to their complexity, the impacts of the Domino Effect are being underestimated. The Domino Effect is also known as “tipping cascades” in climate science. Cascading impacts in relation to tipping points include cascading impacts across biogeophysical and social systems. Until recently, scientist have been drastically underestimating the social-ecological systems. The University of Exeter reports, “There is a notable lack of topic clusters dedicated to how humans will be impacted by climate-related tipping cascades.” 2023 was a wake-up call to social-ecological scientists. The record breaking physical and economical impacts could be felt worldwide. The record warming year was seventeen times greater than any other record increase in history. Typically, record-breaking temperatures are measured in 100th degrees. There were also 200 consecutive days of record-breaking temperatures. Usually, there are one or two record breaking days in a row. The increase in intensity and frequency of record-breaking heat requires forecasting models to be recast.

From the album “Tempered Response” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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