What’s Left

What’s left?

[Verse 1]
Not right
What’s left
Got slight
Theft of deft

Our agile
Is so fragile

Not apt to adapt
(To the pace of our race)
Can’t rearrange change
(When we come face-to-face)

[Verse 2]
What’s here (hear)
None left
It’s come clear
Theft of deft

Our agile
(Is so fragile)
Give back
(Take slack)

Not apt to adapt
(To the pace of our race)
Can’t rearrange change
(When we come face-to-face)

Our agile
Is so fragile
Try to mend
Love to send
Give to live
Love above

Not apt to adapt
(To the pace of our race)
Can’t rearrange change
(When we come face-to-face)

From the album ‘What’s Left’ by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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