
Can you postpone The End
Or maybe start again

[Verse 1]
Hey, can we delay
The closing curtain
Say, do you think we may
Change what was certain?

Can you postpone The End
Or maybe start again
A new message to send
We knew where we’ve been

Put it off for a while
Adopt a sustainable style
Turning down the dial
For a while

[Verse 2]
Hey, by the way
What do you say we delay
The curtain call
The curtain’s fall

Can you postpone The End
Or maybe start again
A new message to send
We knew where we’ve been

Put it off for a while
Adopt a sustainable style
Turning down the dial
For a while

Can you postpone The End
Or maybe start again
A new message to send
We knew where we’ve been

The End zone

From the album “The Rise of the Fall” by The End

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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