Fiddlin’ Nero Style

The extreme
Moved mean’s mean
(On average more savage)
Know what I mean?
(All the while… fiddlin’ Nero style)

[Verse 1]
In both the weather
And the whether
The extremes got together
To create hate

The extreme
Moved mean’s mean
(On average more savage)
Know what I mean?
(All the while… fiddlin’ Nero style)

Those on the fringe
Are on a binge
To infringe
On your rights
(That’s right)
(What rights the left left)

[Verse 2]
Home wasn’t built in a day
(Yet, they while it away)
All the while
Home is burning
(They fiddle Nero style)

The extreme
Moved mean’s mean
(On average more savage)
Know what I mean?
(All the while… fiddlin’ Nero style)

Those on the fringe
Are on a binge
To infringe
On your rights
(That’s right)
(What rights the left left)

The extreme
Moved mean’s mean
(On average more savage)
Know what I mean?
(All the while… fiddlin’ Nero style)

Both weather patterns and political landscapes have become more extreme in recent years, and climate change is a common underlying factor. As extreme weather events increase in frequency and intensity due to climate change, the average conditions over a decade shift toward a new, more extreme norm. Similarly, political extremes are becoming more polarized, with both the far-right and far-left adopting increasingly radical positions. This polarization not only shifts the political spectrum’s average opinions but also escalates the general level of hostility and aggression in public discourse. Moreover, the political extremes often exacerbate climate change through their policies or lack thereof, creating a feedback loop where increasing environmental and social tensions feed into each other, fostering a progressively more hostile environment.

The song lyrics describe a commentary on the increasing extremism in both weather patterns and political ideologies. It uses metaphorical language to convey a sense of growing hostility and division in society, as well as the consequences of ignoring critical issues like climate change.

Key Themes and Interpretations:

  1. Extreme Weather and Political Polarization: The repeated phrase “The extreme moved mean’s mean” suggests that extreme events, whether climatic or political, are becoming the new norm (“mean”). This shift leads to more aggressive and hostile behaviors (“more savage”).
  2. Comparison to Nero: The reference to “fiddlin’ Nero style” alludes to the Roman Emperor Nero, who, according to legend, played the fiddle while Rome burned. This metaphor implies that while serious issues (such as climate change and societal division) escalate, people in power or society at large are distracted or indifferent, failing to take meaningful action.
  3. Political Extremes and Infringement: The lyrics criticize the fringes of the political spectrum for being on a “binge to infringe on your rights,” indicating that both far-right and far-left ideologies are increasingly encroaching on personal freedoms.
  4. Destruction of Home and Inaction: The line “Home wasn’t built in a day / Yet, they while it away” suggests that while the societal “home” or foundation is being destroyed (through inaction on critical issues), people are passively watching without taking action.

The song conveys a message of concern about the current state of affairs, where extremes dominate discourse and action, potentially leading to destructive outcomes if left unchecked. It critiques both societal complacency and the aggressive push from political extremes that threaten individual rights and the environment.

* Our climate model uses chaos theory in an attempt to adequately account for humans and forecasts a global average temperature increase of 9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Everybody has the responsibility not to pollute. There are plenty of things you can do to help save the planet. Stop using fossil fuels. Consume less. Love more. Here is a list of additional actions you can take.

From the album “All Mixed Up” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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