What Comes With It (. or ?)

Found in the cabbage (patches)
Fell off the bandwagon
(If the saying matches)

[Verse 1]
No (No)
Don’t cry
(No don’t cry)
The time has come
(To come undone)

Found in the cabbage (patches)
Fell off the bandwagon
(If the saying matches)

If it’s us agin’ them
(Agin’ and agin’)
Where do we begin
(To win? Win-win)

Bring on the love
(Pour more)

[Verse 2]
Yes (Oh, yes)
(All of us)
The time has come
(For one undone)

If it’s us agin’ them
(Agin’ and agin’)
Where do we begin
(To win? Win-win)

Bring on the love
(Pour more)
Bring on the love
(Pour more)

As an economist, I have spent my career studying risk management, and in the process, I have also become a climate scientist — because climate change is the greatest risk to humanity. Climate science is closely tied to our emotions, particularly hate and love. The hatred of scientists and intelligence is one of the most significant factors contributing to the potential demise of modern civilization. If you’re over 8 years old, you should NOT be reposting memes. Most memes are generated by foreign actors (e.g., Russia) attempting to sow division through hate. Memes that promote class warfare, advocate taxing the rich, reference corporate greed or the economy, criticize philanthropy, demonize immigrants, undermine climate science, or promote “drill, baby, drill” are prime examples. If you’re under 8 years old, you shouldn’t be on social media at all. STOP REPOSTING HATEFUL MEMES.

The solution lies in increased education and LOVE.

From a paper I coauthored: The government’s actions, or lack thereof, represent their constituents’ hate and ignorance, leading to a situation where “worst-case” predictions for climate change have become the “best-case” expectations. The ramifications of these decisions are dire, prompting a revision of climate models to reflect a much grimmer outlook. The new projections indicate a potential maximum global temperature increase of 9°C within this century, a stark rise from the previously estimated 4°C over the next millennium.

What Can I Do? There are plenty of things you can do to help save the planet: stop using fossil fuels, consume less, and love more.

— from Climate Science: The Influence of Love and Hate Brouse (2024)

From the album “With It” by The Beatless Sense Mongers and the album “Dreadnots” by Narley Marley

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

MegaEpix Enormous

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