Topological Defects

Form during phase transition
(Cosmic strings or domain walls)
More than just superstition
(Cosmos sings or geometry calls)

[Verse 1]
(Having a disturbance in my spacetime)
Quite surprised

Form during phase transition
(Cosmic strings or domain walls)
More than just superstition
(Cosmos sings or geometry calls)

What did I expect
(Topological defect)
What could be next
(Topological defect)

[Verse 2]
In my prime
(Having a disturbance in spacetime)
No longer surprised

Form during phase transition
(Cosmic strings or domain walls)
More than just superstition
(Cosmos sings or geometry calls)

What did I expect
(Topological defect)
What could be next
(Topological defect)

Form during phase transition
(Cosmic strings or domain walls)
More than just superstition
(Cosmos sings or geometry calls)

What did I expect
(Topological defect)
What could be next
(Topological defect)

From the album “Disturbances” by Daniel

The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

MegaEpix Enormous

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