Sea Of Clouds

These lyrics were written looking out the window of a jet. Flying coast to coast across America gives you a different perspective. The clouds looked like snow covered mountains. Although, if you tried to land on them, you would sink through them like landing on water. When there was a break in the clouds, you could see a giant quilt of landwork. It made me realize — the layers of matter that make-up our planet are an amazing gift that I can tend to take for granted.

A sea of clouds
As arctic mountains
Above the clouded see
Of mountains
Is there land
From sea to sea
When I can’t
Below the sea
Of clouds
That appears
As snow covered
Though I can’t
Upon this land —
The sea of clouds

The layers of particles
That give birth
To this particular
Place called Earth

Then the sea
Begins to part
And I can see
The quilted parts
The particular
On which we’ll land
For what it’s worth
Coming down to Earth

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