Tag Archives: Psyched

Houston (We Have a Problem)

Houston-We-Have-a-Problem.mp3 Houston-We-Have-a-Problem.mp4 Houston, we have a problem [Verse 1] Put it into full gallop We’ve under a wallop Storm so severe Brings knowledge near [Bridge] Houston, we have a problem And, we confess, the problem’s us [Chorus] Still the rebel yell Drill, drill, drill! Lies we tell Earth, we kill! [Instrumental, Slide Guitar, Drum Fills] […]

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Under Whose Command?

Under-Whose-Command.mp3 Under-Whose-Command.mp4 [Verse 1] Wasted away day-by-day (by day by day bye) Send me some hope and maybe pray? (welcome to my day) Or do we pay along the way Then fade away… No trace of our stay? [Chorus] Making a choice (With our voice) Taking a stand (“Whose command”?!?!) Refuse to choose? (Worst choice) […]

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Ask Me Know Questions

Ask-Me-Know-Questions.mp3 Ask-Me-Know-Questions.mp4   Up giddy-up [Verse 1] Driving hard to O.K. Coral for a while Moments to minutes ’till days change their ways [Chorus] It’s time that Man Came to understand The trouble at hand is a self-reprimand [Bridge] You’re gonna kick yourself in the…. [Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills] [Verse 2] Ask me no […]

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Vision Revision

Vision-Revision.mp3 Vision-Revision.mp4 [Verse 1] When I look out of my eyes to see What confronts me Is it the same for all of us Or not so ominous? [Chorus] Reminiscent of omniscient A vision revision On a man-made decision [Bridge] Vision revision Envision compassion [Instrumental, Guitar solo, Drum Fills] [Verse 2] When I hear in […]

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Change of Heart

Change-of-Heart-I.mp3 Change-of-Heart-I.mp4 Change-of-Heart-II.mp3 Change-of-Heart-II.mp4 Fill the hole with a goal Of love (of love) [Verse 1] Have you had a change of heart? Love to hear we have a start Sending hate on its way (depart) [Bridge] Fill the hole with a goal Of love (of love) [Chorus] Change of heart (past due) Change of […]

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Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap (Make a).mp3 Quantum Leap.mp4   Take a leap… A quantum leap [Verse 1] Is there time that you can keep Why not do what you can Make a quantum leap And, try to rescue Man [Chorus] Revolutionary advancement Transitionary achievement Quantized energy Realized synergy [Break] Arrange change! [Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills] [Verse […]

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Change the Channel

Change-the-Channel.mp3 Change-the-Channel.mp4 [Verse 1] Change the channel I’ve seen this show before Need a primate panel To shine the light some more [Chorus] No, I can’t stand to watch Our ship go down Watch the human botch Go down all around [Instrumental] [Verse 1] Change the channel I’ve seen too much mammal Tired of primate […]

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Changing Times

Changing-Times.mp3 Changing-Times.mp4 The times are changing Changing times [Verse 1] My situation Time dilation Revolution To my way of thinking The way time’s ticking [Chorus] The times are changing Changing times Apparently Relativity In general, special Chronos devil [Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills] [Verse 2] Your situation Time dilation Evolution In your way of thinking […]

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Make a Change

Make a Change Part I.mp3 Make a Change Part I.mp4 Make a Change Part II.mp3 Make a Change Part II.mp4 Can I make a change? [Verse 1] Make a change Help rearrange The puzzle pieces Amazement, never ceases Magic power releases [Bridge] Your energy is destiny Destiny is your energy [Chorus] You mind’s eye’s “I” […]

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After the Storm

After-the-Storm.mp3 After-the-Storm.mp4 1, 2, 3 Why wait? After the storm Could be too late [Verse 1] After the storm, the sun will shine (Again) But until [ Learned an important lesson (Again) [Break] It’s not too soon to begin [Bridge] Celebrate, anyway Celebrate the day Celebrate, any way [Chorus] Don’t be blue The sun will […]

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How Do You Do?

How Do You Do? .mp3 How Do You Do? .mp4 Hello (Hello) How do you do? [Verse 1] No immediate need to feed So I turn my attention to you What can we do? [Bridge] What can we do (To put a smile on your face) What can we do (To help save the human […]

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Psyched.mp3 Psyched.mp4 Yo, Psyched Up [Verse 1] Getting psyched Highlight excite Fuse lit Soon to ignite [Chorus] Good things about to happen Taking on the absurd Made a sword out of pen Stroking out the word [Bridge] Haven’t you heard You best days lie ahead Scribe the word so it’s read What’s true will cure […]

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Minute to Minute

Minute-to-Minute.mp3 Minute-to-Minute.mp4 [Verse 1] I’ve heard that things on the street Are getting pretty bleak Warlords and overlords, the mighty Verse the meek [Chorus] Doing the best I can To understand Man All the while, try to smile While I’m here, time is dear Cherishing minute to minute [Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills] [Verse 2] […]

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Rising.mp3 Rising.mp4 Up Rising [Verse 1] I’m up And I’m rising I suppose It’s not surprising [Chorus] Given that I’m one of those That cannot wait Must participate So, I chose To be up rising No compromising [Instrumental, Guitar Solo, Drum Fills] [Verse 2] I woke And I’m rising No joke It’s not surprising [Chorus] […]

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