Tag Archives: This is It

Solid Ground

Solid-Ground-0.mp3 Solid-Ground-0.mp4 Solid-Ground.mp3 Solid-Ground.mp4 Solid-Ground-Reggae.mp3 Solid-Ground-Reggae.mp4 Solid-Ground-Unplugged-Underground-III.mp3 Solid-Ground-Unplugged-Underground-III.mp4 Solid-Ground-acoustic.mp3 Solid-Ground-electric.mp3 Hit it! [Intro] I meant… Pavement Coming ’round To solid ground [Verse 1] Slate a date To greet concrete Need more feet To hit the street [Chorus] Have you heard the news (knews) Tired of hearing ’bout blues? (ooze) The time is ripe (Forego the […]

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Big Bully

Big-Bully-0.mp3 Big-Bully-0.mp4 Big-Bully.mp3 Big-Bully.mp4 Big-Bully-Reggae.mp3 Big-Bully-Reggae.mp4 Big-Bully-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Big-Bully-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Big-Bully-Unplugged.mp3 Big-Bully-Unplugged.mp4 Big-Bully-acoustic.mp3 Big-Bully-electric.mp3 Big-Bully-Prequel.mp3 Big-Bully-Prequel.mp4 [Verse 1] You big bully (Big bully) You big bully (Big bully) [Bridge] You’re really not that tough More a fool in the rough [Chorus] Tried warning you I’m coming through Checked point-of-view Not a lot you can do [Break] You […]

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A Crystal Palace in the Snow

Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-0-This-Christmas.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-0-This-Christmas.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-0.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-0.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Instrumental.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Instrumental.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Unplugged-2.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Unplugged.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Unplugged.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Prequel-Unplugged2.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Reggae.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Reggae.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-This-Christmas-Instrumental.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-This-Christmas-Instrumental.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-This-Christmas.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-This-Christmas.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-acoustic.mp3 Crystal-Palace-in-the-Snow-electric.mp3 [Verse 1] A crystal palace… in the snow Is it for real, Or just for show A crystal palace… in the snow [Chorus] So, what’s the deal Do you know Is the scene just a […]

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Holy Water

Holy-Water-0-This-Christmas.mp3 Holy-Water-0-This-Christmas.mp4 Holy-Water-0.mp3 Holy-Water-0.mp4 Holy-Water-Reggae.mp3 Holy-Water-Reggae.mp4 Holy-Water-This-Christmas-Prequel-1.mp3 Holy-Water-This-Christmas-Prequel-1.mp4 Holy-Water-This-Christmas-Prequel-2.mp3 Holy-Water-This-Christmas-Prequel-2.mp4 Holy-Water-This-Christmas.mp3 Holy-Water-This-Christmas.mp4 Holy-Water-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Holy-Water-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Holy-Water-acoustic.mp3 Holy-Water-electric.mp3 [Intro] I love that Holy Water (It sure does quench one’s thirst) Baptized Her son and daughter (Saved ’em from the worst) [Verse 1] Won’t ever forget Gettin’ wet And, it won’t be long Far from wrong [Chorus] I […]

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The Devil Made Me Do It

The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-0-This-Christmas.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-0-This-Christmas.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-0.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-0.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-Rasta-Far-Eon.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-Rasta-Far-Eon.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-This-Christmas.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-This-Christmas.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-acoustic.mp3 The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It-electric.mp3 [Intro] [Instrumental] The devil made me do it Yes, I do insist [Verse 1] The devil made me do it? Oh, please… just quit The responsibility Is on me [Bridge] Reality An absentee [Chorus] Blame hatin’ on Satan What’s in your […]

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All-Night-Long.mp4 Angels-0-This-Christmas.mp3 Angels-0-This-Christmas.mp4 Angels-This-Christmas.mp3 Angels-This-Christmas.mp4 Angels-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Angels-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 [Intro] Angels Watching over us Shining glorious An angel enables [Verse 1] Troubles and needs Trouble indeed (in deed) Envy and greed Subceed [Chorus] Angels Watching over us Shining glorious An angel enables [Bridge] Sing of them on high (sing) Bring to us blue sky (bring) [Verse 2] […]

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Airing Your Grievances

Airing-Your-Grievances-0.mp3 Airing-Your-Grievances-0.mp4 Airing-Your-Grievances-I.mp3 Airing-Your-Grievances-I.mp4 Airing-Your-Grievances-Reggae.mp3 Airing-Your-Grievances-Reggae.mp4 Airing-Your-Grievances-Reprise__This-Christmas.mp3 Airing-Your-Grievances-Reprise__This-Christmas.mp4 Airing-Your-Grievances-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Airing-Your-Grievances-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Airing-Your-Grievances-live.mp3 [Intro] Is it ever enough (Airing your grievances) Bearing in the rough (Habitual sequences) [Verse 1] When you’re on the run Anything goes Till it’s all undone Then, one knows [Chorus} Is it ever enough (Airing your grievances) Bearing in the rough (Habitual sequences) […]

Posted in Christmas Music, Daniel, lyrics, MegaEpix Enormous, Narley Marley | Also tagged , , , | Comments closed

Slipping Through You

Slipping-Through-You.mp3 Slipping-Through-You.mp4 Slipping-Through-You__This-Christmas.mp3 Slipping-Through-You__This-Christmas.mp4 Slipping-Through-You-Reggae.mp3 Slipping-Through-You-Reggae.mp4 Slipping-Through-You-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Slipping-Through-You-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Slipping-Through-You-acoustic.mp3 Slipping-Through-You-electric-bass.mp3 [Intro] Is time slipping through you Helpless… Nothing you can do? Unless… [Verse 1] Do we live As a sieve All we do Passing through [Chorus] Grasp the moment Hold the light Delayed lament Gain insight [Bridge] Is time slipping through you (Helpless…) Nothing you […]

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Take Till We Break

Take-Till-We-Break-0.mp3 Take-Till-We-Break-0.mp4 Take-Till-We-Break-I.mp3 Take-Till-We-Break-I.mp4 Take-Till-We-Break-Reggae.mp3 Take-Till-We-Break-Reggae.mp4 Take-Till-We-Break-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Take-Till-We-Break-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Take-Till-We-Break-acoustic.mp3 Take-Till-We-Break-electric.mp3 [Intro] Let there be light (And, there was light) Step into insight (Into the light) [Verse 1] Why then… Take till we break Why not… Live to give [Verse 2] Forsake Envy and greed To make Love and harmony [Chorus] We’re free (Free to succeed) […]

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That Smoke

That-Smoke-I.mp3 That-Smoke-I.mp4 That-Smoke-II.mp3 That-Smoke-II.mp4 That-Smoke-Reggae-1.mp3 That-Smoke-Reggae-1.mp4 That-Smoke-Reggae-2.mp3 That-Smoke-Reggae-2.mp4 That-Smoke-on-fire.mp3 [Intro] That smoke Ain’t no joke Gives a bloke Cause to choke [Verse 1] Starts with a spark Lighting up the dark Doesn’t take long To spread along [Chorus] (Ohhh) That smoke Ain’t no joke Gives a bloke Cause to choke [Bridge] To relieve Just don’t […]

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Harvested-0.mp3 Harvested-0.mp4 Harvested-I.mp3 Harvested-I.mp4 Harvested-Reggae.mp3 Harvested-Reggae.mp4 Harvested-This-Christmas.mp3 Harvested-This-Christmas.mp4 Harvested-vibraphone.mp3 [Intro] Ohh… To know To grow [Verse 1} Not quite ripe Too early to harvest To soon to gripe If you know what’s best [Chorus] It’s hard to find “Just right” Hard to define Appetite [Bridge] Watching taste Go to waste [Verse 2] Oh, too late […]

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All Collides in Fine

All-Collides-in-Fine-0.mp3 All-Collides-in-Fine-0.mp4 All-Collides-in-Fine-I.mp3 All-Collides-in-Fine-I.mp4 All-Collides-in-Fine-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 All-Collides-in-Fine-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 All-Collides-in-Fine-Unplugged.mp3 All-Collides-in-Fine-Unplugged.mp4 All-Collides-in-Fine-space-intro.mp3 [Intro] The wind (as she whispers) Sends shivers (Up my spine) All collides in fine [Verse 1] The sun’s rays Change the ways I see my days [Bridge] (Raise praise) [Chorus] The wind (as she whispers) Sends shivers (Up my spine) All collides in fine [Verse […]

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Get to Hear

Get-to-Hear-0.mp3 Get-to-Hear-0.mp4 Get-to-Hear-I.mp3 Get-to-Hear-I.mp4 Get-to-Hear-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp3 Get-to-Hear-Unplugged-Underground-II.mp4 Get-to-Hear-Unplugged.mp3 Get-to-Hear-Unplugged.mp4 Get-to-Hear-Prequel-Unplugged-1.mp3 Get-to-Hear-Prequel-Unplugged-1.mp4 Get-to-Hear-Prequel-Unplugged-2.mp3 Get-to-Hear-Prequel-Unplugged-2.mp4 Get-to-Hear-acoustic.mp3 Get-to-Hear-electric.mp3 [Intro] If we ever get to hear Let’s make it perfectly clear We’ve searched far and near [Verse 1] If we ever get to hear Let’s make it perfectly clear We’ve searched far and near [Bridge] To hear the music play […]

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Your Money or Your Life?

Your-Money-or-Your-Life-0.mp3 Your-Money-or-Your-Life-0.mp4 Your-Money-or-Your-Life-I.mp3 Your-Money-or-Your-Life-I.mp4 Your-Money-or-Your-Life-tambourine.mp3 [Intro] The real deal? Your cash won’t last (Going fast) [Verse 1] You know what’s funny About money It doesn’t get our ‘are’ Very far [Chorus] Funny, your money Can’t buy you love Can’t make the sky above… No, can’t make the skies sunny [Bridge] The real deal? Your cash […]

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The Stall

The-Stall-0.mp3 The-Stall-0.mp4 The-Stall-I.mp3 The-Stall-I.mp4 The-Stall-ticking.mp3 [Intro] Lickity split Time just won’t quite It keeps coming on (And, on and on) Keeps moving (And, disproving) The stall of all [Verse 1] The tick tock Of the clock Won’t ever stop (Keeps keeping on top) [Chorus] Lickity split Time just won’t quite It keeps coming on (And, […]

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