In the fears of the gears
The head hog of the cog
Lost a tooth
Nevermore to tell the truth
The clock made a face
As it lost track of time
Cron’s eternal disgrace
There’s no reason nor rhyme
Based on man’s freewill
Time stands still
Much to the distress of progress
Captain, check the log
We’ve lost a cog
Monkey wrench in the works
Now the works won’t work
Humanity’s in a fog
Raised by a toothless cog
Cog (Featuring Penn’s Table Restaurant and Malena’s Vintage Boutique.mp4
Style: Alternative Rock
Chords: Em / C Dm Em / Em C Em
Recording: digital stereo
Vocals, Guitar
Written at the corner of Gay and Church Streets in Chester County, West Chester, PA. This song was inspired by two business owners, Penn’s Table Restaurant and Malena’s Vintage Boutique.
Two businesses (Penn’s Table Restaurant and Malena’s Vintage Boutique) along with the West Chester Business Improvement District (BID) appear to be behind the illegal passing of the unconstitutional law. Concerned citizens are boycotting these establishments.
- Boycott Melana’s
From the album Gay Church