Deep Thought

And, in your deepest thought
There’s not a not
Can’t never did anything
Let’s see what can can bring
Though the pit of the stomach
Is in knots and an ache
In the deepest thought
I think not a not
And, in my deepest thought
There’s not a not
And, in the deepest thought
There’s not a not
Rid of brain rot
Thankful I’ve got
Not a not
Tongue not caught
Fight not fought
Not a not
Temperature’s hot
Energy… a lot
Not a not
Seek what’s sought
Learn what’s taught
Not a not

Style: ExperiMental Rock
Chords: Dm Em / Bm7(b5) Dm; 76 BPM
Recording: original take / live digital 1-track stereo
Instrumentation: Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards

From the album Regenerate

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