Did You See That Coming?

Hey, did you see that coming
Or is it out of left field
Did the thought cross your mind
Yet you refuse to yield?
Oh, wow
What now?

Find it surprising temperatures rising
Due to the lack of our compromising
Hey, did you see that coming
Or is it out of left field
Did the thought cross your mind
Yet you refuse to yield?
Oh, wow
What now?

Air all consuming causes confusing
The confusion among us causes division
Find it surprising temperatures rising
Due to the lack of our compromising
Hey, did you see that coming
Or is it out of left field
Did the thought cross your mind
Yet you refuse to yield?
Oh, wow
What now?

Chords: Em / F# Em; 180 BPM
Instrumentation: Vocals, Keyboards
Written and recorded live to a digital 1-track

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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