Head First in the Shallow End

That damn fool burning fossil fuel
Shallow end of the gene pool
Flunked out of school
Oh, what a tool
Diving headfirst in…
The shallow end
Will he bend
Will he break
How much more can we take?

That damn fool burning fossil fuel
Shallow end of the gene pool
Look at you as you spew, too
Shallow end of the gene pool
Flunked out of school
Oh, what a tool
Diving headfirst in…
The shallow end
Will he bend
Will he break
How much more can we take?

That damn fool burning fossil fuel
Shallow end of the gene pool
Look at you as you spew, too
Shallow end of the gene pool
Now, I see there’s blame on me
Shallow end of the gene pool
Flunked out of school
Oh, what a tool
Diving headfirst in…
The shallow end
Will he bend
Will he break
How much more can we take?

Chords: E/7 E G A / A G E / G A / A G E / E A C B7 E; Part III @ 159 Beats Per Minute
Instrumentation: Vocals (TC-Helicon VOICELIVE and MiniNova Vocorder), Ibanez Acoustic Guitar (AW54CE), Ibanez Electric RG-270 (Boss Digital Delay), Fender Jazz Bass (Boss Digital Delay), Keyboards (Korg PS60, Casio WK-3500, Yamaha PSR-740, MiniNova, MicroKorg)

These lyrics convey a strong message about the impact of human actions, particularly related to climate change. The use of phrases like “damn fool burning fossil fuel” suggests criticism towards those who contribute to environmental degradation by relying on non-renewable energy sources. The reference to the “shallow end of the gene pool” implies a lack of foresight or wisdom in the decision-making process regarding environmental choices.

The repetition of “shallow end of the gene pool” emphasizes the perceived short-sightedness and lack of consideration for the broader consequences of one’s actions. The lines “Now, I see there’s blame on me” may indicate a realization or acknowledgment of personal responsibility, possibly implying that the speaker recognizes their own contribution to the problem.

The mention of failing out of school and being a “tool” suggests a critique of ignorance or lack of education on environmental issues. The imagery of “diving headfirst in the shallow end” reflects impulsive and uninformed decision-making. The questions “Will he bend, will he break, how much more can we take?” pose a sense of urgency and concern about the resilience of the environment and humanity’s ability to withstand the consequences of irresponsible behavior.

Overall, these lyrics serve as a commentary on the need for increased awareness, education, and responsible decision-making in the face of climate change. The tone appears critical and urgent, urging listeners to reflect on their choices and consider the broader impact on the environment and future generations.

What Can I Do?
There are plenty of things you can do to help save the planet. Stop using fossil fuels. Consume less. Love more. Here is a list of additional actions you can take.

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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