
Addressing the hidden root
Residing under the boot
May not be obvious to me
Yet, all the world can see

Fits of madness
Suicidal tendencies
Sits in sadness
Homicidal remedies

How destructive action
Leads to lack of satisfaction
Bad things that you pass
Come back to bite in the ass

Claim that life isn’t fair
Induce a sense of despair
Totally unaware
You, yourself declare

The Earth’s edict
Contributors to conflict
Will wallow
In their own hollow
Till there is war
No more

[Lancelot, it’s getting hot!
How much time?
Not a lot!]

Chords: Em D / C D G D / C6 D Bb D; Part II Ambient Pop Cha Cha @ 132 Beats Per Minute
Instrumentation: Vocals (TC-Helicon VOICELIVE and MiniNova Vocorder), Ibanez Electric RG-270 (Boss Digital Delay), Fender Jazz Bass (Boss Digital Delay), Keyboards (Korg PS60, Casio WK-3500, Yamaha PSR-740, MiniNova, MicroKorg)

Lancelot, a prominent figure in the Arthurian legend, served as King Arthur’s close companion and stood among the greatest Knights of the Round Table. Born an orphan, Lancelot was the son of King Ban of the lost kingdom of Benoic. Orphaned and raised in a fairy realm by the Lady of the Lake, he emerged as a hero known for his exceptional prowess in battles, quests, and tournaments, establishing himself as an unparalleled swordsman and jouster. Lancelot eventually became the lord of the castle Joyous Gard and the personal champion of Arthur’s wife, Queen Guinevere.

Despite his formidable achievements, Lancelot faced challenges in the form of frequent and occasionally prolonged fits of madness. His tragic affair with Queen Guinevere, once discovered, triggered a civil war that ultimately led to the downfall of Arthur’s kingdom, exploited by the cunning Mordred.

According to the Vulgate Cycle, Lancelot’s backstory unfolds in the borderland between Gaul and Brittany, where he is born as Galahad, the son of King Ban of Bénoïc. Fleeing the fall of Ban’s kingdom to King Claudas, the infant Lancelot is carried away by the Lady of the Lake, a fairy enchantress. Lancelot’s journey continues as he earns a place at Arthur’s elite Round Table by freeing King Arthur’s nephew Gawain from captivity.

Lancelot’s romantic entanglement with Queen Guinevere is marked by a magical connection, leading to a profound and forbidden love. His knight-errant adventures include triumphing in tournaments, rescuing knights held captive by villains like Turquine, and overcoming betrayals. Lancelot’s dedication to Queen Guinevere is evident in his heroic feats, such as slaying dragons and giants and playing a crucial role in the war against the Saxons in Lothian.

However, Lancelot’s life is marred by recurring fits of madness, often triggered by emotional turmoil, false news of the death of allies like Gawain, or encounters with sexually charged situations. These episodes contribute to the complexity of his character.

The destructive consequences of Lancelot’s affair with Queen Guinevere become evident when the truth is exposed, leading to the violent rescue of the condemned queen and the death of Gawain’s brothers. This tragic event sets in motion the chain of events that culminate in Mordred’s treason, the disappearance of Arthur, and the apparent demise of the once-mighty Camelot. Lancelot’s tale serves as a poignant narrative of love, betrayal, and the far-reaching repercussions of personal choices within the legendary realm of King Arthur.


The story of Lancelot, particularly aspects of his character and the consequences of his actions, can be metaphorically linked to certain aspects of the challenges posed by climate change:

  1. Hidden Origins and Lost Kingdom:
    • Lancelot’s Backstory: Lancelot is an orphan with a mysterious origin, hailing from the lost kingdom of Benoic.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: Climate change often involves addressing the hidden origins of environmental issues, and the impact of lost ecosystems and habitats.
  2. Magical Connection and Love:
    • Lancelot’s Connection: Lancelot and Queen Guinevere share a magical connection, leading to a forbidden love that has significant consequences.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: The interconnectedness of ecosystems and the environment emphasizes the need for responsible stewardship to avoid unintended and detrimental consequences.
  3. Destructive Consequences of Actions:
    • Lancelot’s Affair: Lancelot’s affair with Guinevere results in a civil war and the downfall of Arthur’s kingdom.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: Human actions, such as unsustainable practices and environmental degradation, can lead to destructive consequences for the planet and its ecosystems.
  4. Fits of Madness and Suicidal Tendencies:
    • Lancelot’s Struggles: Lancelot experiences fits of madness and suicidal tendencies, often related to false or real news of death.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: The challenges posed by climate change can induce a sense of despair or hopelessness, emphasizing the importance of addressing these challenges with resilience and effective solutions.
  5. War and Consequences for Arthur’s Kingdom:
    • Lancelot’s Role: Lancelot’s actions, especially the rescue of Guinevere, lead to a war and the eventual downfall of Arthur’s kingdom.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: Climate change contributes to conflicts over resources and poses threats to the stability of societies and ecosystems.
  6. Revelation and Unraveling Truths:
    • Lancelot’s Revelation: The revelation of Lancelot’s affair with Guinevere leads to a series of tragic events.
    • Climate Change Metaphor: The revelation of environmental truths and the acknowledgment of climate change impacts are crucial steps toward addressing and mitigating its effects.

From the album: Camelot’s Resurgence

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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