
Can’t predict
Not at all
Earth’s edict
Let ’em fall
As they say
Fall as they may
Every dog has it’s day
Seems your god lost his way
Many a hog has got to pay
Mother’s final say

Can’t forecast
Not stable
Can’t outlast
Not our past
As they say
Fall as they may
Every dog has it’s day
Seems your god lost his way
Many a hog has got to pay
Mother’s final say

We’ll/will whether
Tends to mean
So extreme
As they say
Fall as they may
Every dog has it’s day
Seems your god lost his way
Many a hog has got to pay
Mother’s final say

More wobble
Our fable
As they say
Fall as they may
Every dog has it’s day
Seems your god lost his way
Many a hog has got to pay
Mother’s final say

Chords: D5 D#5 E5 Em/E / E F F# F#m Fm Em / C D E / C D / D C E; Part II 60’s Rock Funky Pop @ 100 Beats Per Minute
Instrumentation: Vocals (TC-Helicon VOICELIVE and MiniNova Vocorder), Ibanez Acoustic Guitar (AW54CE), Ibanez Electric RG-270 (Boss Digital Delay), Fender Jazz Bass (Boss Digital Delay), Keyboards (Korg PS60, Casio WK-3500, Yamaha PSR-740, MiniNova, MicroKorg)

These lyrics convey a sense of unpredictability and instability in the face of Earth’s changes. The repetition of phrases like “Unpredictable,” “Can’t predict,” and “Not stable” emphasizes the uncertainty and lack of control over environmental shifts.

The lines “Every dog has its day” and “Seems your god lost his way” suggest a reflection on the consequences and challenges faced by individuals or entities that may have underestimated or misunderstood the severity of the situation. The mention of “Many a hog has got to pay” implies a cost or penalty associated with the unpredictable nature of environmental changes.

The repetition of the phrase “Mother’s final say” signifies a recognition of the ultimate authority of nature (referred to as Mother), emphasizing the inevitability of consequences. The use of words like “Unstable,” “More wobble,” and “Enable” further underscores the idea that the unpredictability of these changes can lead to a precarious and challenging future.

Overall, these lyrics express a contemplation of the unpredictable and potentially severe consequences of environmental shifts, highlighting the need for awareness and action in the face of a changing climate.

Human induced climate change is an exponential component of an unordered system (chaos theory). That means global warming is accelerating at a rapid rate in a complex way.

“We are not saying that the Earth’s temperature is just going to rise. In general, as energy is added to a system, the fluctuations in the system increase. So, we expect more storms, more droughts, more wildfires, more floods, more fluctuations of all kinds. What we are saying is that weather conditions will become more volatile due to the impact of humans,” said Mukherjee and Brouse. (2004)

The increase in extreme weather events wreak havoc on humans’ ability to adapt to the changing environment. For instance, severe droughts followed by severe rains create devastating floods. The parched earth can not absorb the water. The run-off produces contaminated flood waters that pollute the drinking water supply and breed diseases.

In the 1990’s, we wrote a paper on the worst-case scenario entitled, “The Impact of Governance & Globalization on Forecasting (The Tunnel Under Thesis).” The theory predicted that forecasting would become increasingly difficult. “The result — a figurative, as well as, literal tunneling underground.”

Since that time, forecasting has become increasing more difficult.

* Our climate model employs chaos theory to comprehensively consider human impacts and projects a potential global average temperature increase of 9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

What Can I Do?
There are numerous actions you can take to contribute to saving the planet. Each person bears the responsibility to minimize pollution, discontinue the use of fossil fuels, reduce consumption, and foster a culture of love and care. The Butterfly Effect illustrates that a small change in one area can lead to significant alterations in conditions anywhere on the globe. Hence, the frequently heard statement that a fluttering butterfly in China can cause a hurricane in the Atlantic. Be a butterfly and affect the world.
Here is a list of additional actions you can take.

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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